Mandated Reporter Training of the Trainer
PCA Georgia’s Mandated Reporting TOT is a comprehensive training session for professionals who have a need to train others on the responsibilities of a mandated reporter. Many mandated reporters understand the importance of reporting and preventing child maltreatment, but may feel they do not have the knowledge to do so. This training is designed to provide participants with the information needed to recognize, report and prevent child maltreatment.
PCA Georgia hosts semi-regular Mandated Reporter Training of the Trainers or your organization can request a TOT by contacting [email protected].
Sign up to receive MR TOT announcements.
2025 Training of the Trainers
- May 7 (9 a.m. until 2:30 p.m.) and 8 (9 a.m. to 12 p.m.), 2025
- June 11 (9 a.m. until 2:30 p.m.) and 12 (9 a.m. to 12 p.m.), 2025
All 2025 TOT applications will open on February 24, 2025 and close April 4, 2025.
Eligibility Requirements |
- Minimum bachelors degree or equivalent work experience
- Previous training experience
- Resume required, please submit with application
- Priority will be given to professionals affiliated with family and child serving organizations
Commitments |
By applying to this Mandated Reporter Training of the Trainer you are agreeing to deliver a minimum of 3 Mandated reported trainings to be given within one year of the TOT. Training Evaluations will be given to Prevent Child Abuse Georgia for each training. You must also be willing to fulfill mandated reporter training requests within your community.
Mandated Reporter TOT Learning Objectives
- Participants will be prepared to provide the Mandated Reporter training by:
- Recognize factors associated with abuse and abuse prevention
- Understand how the laws around mandated reporting affect you
- Define types of abuse and related indicators
- Describe the process for handling a disclosure of abuse
- Follow the basic procedure for reporting suspected child abuse
- Discern between the community’s role to support family wellbeing and DFCSs’ role to investigate suspected abuse and neglect
- Participants will demonstrate proficiency in delivering the Mandated Reporter training content.
- Participants will understand how to conduct all training activities.
- Participants will be authorized by PCA GA to conduct 90 minute MR trainings in-person and virtually throughout the state of Georgia.
- Mandated Reporter TOT is a free training.
All 2025 TOT applications will open on February 24, 2025 and close April 4, 2025. Please check back then, to submit an application.
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