We want to help Georgians better understand and access data to tackle challenges and improve the lives of Georgia’s families. Today, vast amounts of useful, actionable data are readily available, but can be difficult to navigate. This data hub is designed to help match available data to your data literacy level.
We also recommend visiting the Injury Prevention Research Center (IPRC) and World Bank to improve your data literacy. IPRCE’s work includes the Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences: Data to Action (PACE: D2A) project, whose mission is to support data use and literacy in Georgia. They are available to help with your specific data questions or needs by contacting [email protected].
Publicly Available Data
Types of Data Available
This data hub connections you with information you can use, regardless of your data literacy level, at the county, state and national level. Pay attention to how the data is formatted to select a data source that meets your data literacy level.
- Easy to Interpret– Look at sources that are available as Summary data. These sources will already have summaries and data interpret interpreted for you.
- Some Data Knowledge Needed- These sources are marked Query data. Queries allow users to select specific data by demographic characteristics such as age, type of household, region or other categories. This will provide data that is customized to your needs but you will often have to interpret the data yourself.
- Advanced- Data that is available in a Raw format, means that you will have to do your own calculations and interpretation but you will be able to better customize the data to the information you need.
Data Indicators Included
Data indicators are selected based on the state’s Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Plan.
- Family Resilience (Resilience)
- Physical Health
- Mental Health
- Economic Stability (Econ)
- Early Care and Education (ECE)
- Awareness of Societal Factors that Contribute to Child Abuse and Neglect (CAN Awareness)
Have a specific need? We have a team ready to answer your data questions!
Contact us at [email protected]
We recommend taking a strengths-based approach to data, evaluation, and narrative using the guides below.
Child and Family Well-Being Data Sources
Program (click on program name for more details) | Types of Data | Regional Availability | Data Indicators Included |
CDC WISQARS | Query, Raw | County, State and National | Resilience, Physical Health, Mental Health, Econ, CAN Awareness |
Census | Summary, Query, Raw | County, State and National | Resilience, Physical Health, Mental Health, Econ, CAN Awareness |
GEEARS Readiness Radar | Query | County, State | ECE, Econ |
Georgia’s Cross Agency Child Data System | Summary, Query | County, State | ECE, Physical Health, Econ |
Georgia Department of Public Health OASIS Georgia Behavioral Risk Factors Surveillance Survey (BRFSS) Georgia Youth Risk Behaviors Survey (YRBS) |
Query, Raw | County, State | Resilience, Physical Health, Mental Health, CAN Awareness |
Georgia Division of Family and Children Services Data Dashboard | Query | County, State | Physical Health, Mental Health |
Georgia Student Health Survey (GSHS) | Query, Raw | County, State | Resilience, Physical Health, Mental Health |
Get Georgia Reading | Summary, Query | County, State | Resilience, Physical and Mental Health, ECE, Econ |
Governor’s Office of Student Achievement | Query | County, State | Resilience, Mental Health |
KIDS COUNT | Summary, Query, Raw | County, State, National | Resilience, Physical Health, Mental Health, CAN Awareness |
National Association of Counties (NACO) | Query | County, National | Resilience, Physical Health, Mental Health, Econ, ECE, CAN Awareness |
National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS) | Summary | State, National | Resilience, Physical Health, Mental Health |
National Children’s Health Survey (NSCH) | Summary, Query | State, National | Resilience, Physical Health, Mental Health, Econ, ECE, CAN Awareness |
Opportunity Insights | Query | County, State, National | Resilience, Econ, CAN Awareness |
Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences: Data to Action | Query | County, State | Physical Health, Mental Health, Econ, ECE, CAN Awareness |
SCAN Policy Database | Summary | State, National | Physical Health, Mental Health, ECE, CAN Awareness |
Southeastern Rental Affordability Tracker | Query | County, State | Resilience, Econ |
SAMHSA Data Collections | Summary, Query, Raw | State, National | Resilience, Physical Health, Mental Health |
United Way of Metro ATL’s Child Well-being Index | Summary | County | Resilience, Physical Health, Mental Health, Econ, CAN Awareness |
More state and national data sources and summary reports can be found here.
The data presented by Child Trends is a comprehensive resource for child welfare that provides state and national data on child maltreatment, foster care, kinship caregiving, permanency, and older youth in care. It also provides policy and data reports for a variety of family and child related topics such as poverty, early childhood and for specific populations.
- Regional Availability: State, National
- Type of Data Available: Summary
- Indicators: Resilience, Physical Health, Mental Health, Economic
Find Data Here
Data Companion Guide
Children’s Health Care Report Card
Georgetown University provides data by state on children’s healthcare coverage and health status.
- Regional Availability: National and State
- Type of Data Available: Summary
- Indicators: Physical Health, Mental Health
State of Babies Yearbook
State of Babies is a nonprofit organization that aims to improve the lives of babies and toddlers with a yearly report on health of children 0-3. State of babies compares national and state data on the well-being of infants and toddlers.
- Regional Availability: State, National
- Type of Data Available: Summary
- Indicators: Physical Health, Mental Health, ECE
United for ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed)
Through a series of new, standardized measurements, United For ALICE presents a broad picture of financial insecurity in the U.S., drilling down to the county and municipal levels in each state. What the ALICE data shows is startling: Both nationally and in each state, financial hardship is far more prevalent than traditional federal poverty guidelines suggest.
- Regional Availability: National, State
- Type of Data Available: Summary, Query
- Indicators: Resilience, Physical Health, Mental Health, Economic
Data Source Details
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Injury Center uses data to understand when and why violence and injuries occur and how to prevent them. The Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (WISQARS) is an interactive online collection of analysis tools for fatal, nonfatal, and cost of injury data.
- Regional Availability: County, State and National
- Type of Data Available: Raw, Query
- Indicators: Resilience, Economic, Physical Health, Mental Health, Economic, CAN Awareness
- WONDER is another CDC compilation of publicly available datasets and visualization tools. WONDER hosts datasets for state health facts, mortality, environmental conditions, substance abuse and mental health, social determinants of health, social vulnerability indexes, and more. Find a list of datasets HERE.
Census data covers dozens of topics across 130+ surveys and programs. Get in the weeds with more than 2.5 million tables of raw data, maps, profiles, and more.
- Regional Availability: County, State and National
- Type of Data Available: Raw
- Indicators: Resilience, Economic, Physical Health, Mental Health, Economic, CAN Awareness
Various Ways to Explore Data
Community Explorer Tool
Available Datasets (e.g. Food Security, Housing, Employment, Income, Poverty)
Also included in Census data:
- American Community Survey Data (ACS)- The ACS releases new data each year. Data profiles contain the most popular social, economic, housing, and demographic data for a single geographic area. ACS Homepage and Query Data and Data Tools
- Public Use Microdata Sample- Enables users to create custom estimates and tables from the American Community Survey. Find Data Here
GEEARS Readiness Radar
Explore data relevant to early childhood and school readiness. A county-level Blueprint tool illustrates multiple readiness indicators and assets, and a census-tract level Community Compass tool examines early childhood data at a more granular level. GEEARS has also developed Early Childhood County Profiles for all 159 counties, as well as an ATL ACCESS Map that depicts child care supply, demand, and gaps in Metro Atlanta.
- Regional Availability: County, State
- Type of Data Available: Query
- Indicators: Early Care and Education (ECE), Economic
Find Data Here
Find a Summary Report on Early Learning, Health, and Family Supports HERE
Georgia’s Cross Agency Child Data System (GA CACDS) Community Data Explorer
This tool summarizes program participation for children ages 0 – 5 enrolled in various early childhood services at the state- and county-level by race/ethnicity and gender.
- Regional availability: County, State
- Type of Data Available: Summary, Query
- Indicators: Early Care and Education (ECE), Physical Health, Economic
Georgia Department of Public Health Online Analytical Statistical Information System (OASIS)
This suite of tools developed by the Georgia Department of Public Health includes tables, maps, and charts highlighting a variety of public health indicators that are sortable by population, disease, and survey characteristics. OASIS uses records from various sources such as vital records, hospital discharges, ER visits, and Census data to build its database.
- Regional Availability: County, State
- Type of Data Available: Query, Raw
- Indicators: Resilience, Physical Health, Mental Health, CAN Awareness
OASIS also contains:
- Georgia Youth Risk Behaviors Survey (YRBS)- This survey data is a random sample of public middle and high school students about the prevalence and age of initiation in health risk behaviors including tobacco use, physical activity, and alcohol and drug use. Find YRBS Data Here
- Georgia’s Behavioral Risk Factors Surveillance Survey (BRFSS)- A state-based surveillance system used to track trends in behavior change among the population, determine priority health issues, develop plans, and monitor interventions. It also includes ACEs questionnaire data. Find BRFSS Data Here
Georgia Division of Children Services Data Dashboard
From the Georgia Department of Human Services, this data dashboard shows child welfare data of children served. This data is compiled from 159 county offices to provide a snapshot of children served in the state by protective services, foster services, and placement and treatment services.
- Regional Availability: County, State
- Type of Data Available: Query
- Indicators: Physical Health, Mental Health
Georgia Student Health Survey (GSHS)
From the Georgia Department of Education, the GSHS is an anonymous and statewide survey that covers topics such as school climate and safety, peer and adult support, bullying, mental health, substance abuse, and suicidal ideation. This survey is mostly for middle and high school students, but there is a brief survey for elementary students as well about safety and school climate only.
- Regional Availability: County, State
- Type of Data Available: Query, Raw
- Indicators: Resilience, Physical Health, Mental Health
Student Health Survey Dashboard
Georgia School Data Dashboard
Get Georgia Reading
Hosts a couple customized data sources that help state and local leaders understand and address the challenges children face on the path to literacy. This collection includes the Georgia Student Achievement Dashboard, GEEARS Readiness Radar, and Georgia’s Cross Agency Child Data System (GA CACDS) Community Data Explorer. Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL) is responsible for meeting the childcare and early education needs of Georgia’s children and their families.
- Regional Availability: County, State
- Type of Data Available: Summary, Query
- Indicators: Resilience, Physical and Mental Health, Early Care and Education (ECE), Economic
Governor’s Office of Student Achievement (GOSA)
GOSA provides detailed data on a wide range of student achievement, discipline, and demographic indicators for every public school in the state. GOSA’s Georgia School Reports include A-F letter grades based on school performance, state test results, student body makeup, and graduation rate.
- Regional Availability: County, State
- Type of Data Available: Summary, Query, Raw
- Indicators: Resilience, Economic, Mental Health
KIDS COUNT, Annie E. Casey Foundation
With the help of Georgia Family Connection Partnerships, KIDS COUNT data center provides easily accessible data to examine promotive and risk factors related to child and family well-being at a county level.
- Regional Availability: County, State, National
- Type of Data: Summary, Query, Raw
- Indicators: Resilience, Physical Health, Mental Health, CAN Awareness
County Level Query Tools
County and State level Query Data
National and State Summary Data
National Association of Counties (NACO)
Explore county-level data that can be used to improve supports and services for infants, toddlers, and families. Communities can examine data collected from home visitation, early intervention, and family support services to inform future policy changes.
- Regional Availability: County, National
- Type of Data: Query
- Indicators: Resilience, Physical Health, Mental Health, CAN Awareness
National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS)
From the Children’s Bureau, NCANDS is a voluntary data collection system that gathers information from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico, from October 1 to September 30 each cycle.
- Regional Availability: State, National
- Type of Data Available: Summary
- Indicators: Resilience, Physical Health, Mental Health
National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH)
From the Data Resource Center for Child & Adolescent Health and the Child & Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative the National Survey of Children’s Health provides data on intersecting aspects of children’s lives such as physical and mental health, access and quality of healthcare, and socioeconomic factors.
- Regional Availability: State, National
- Type of Data Available: Query
- Indicators: Resilience, Physical Health, Mental Health, Economic, ECE, CAN Awareness
Opportunity Insights
From the Social Capital Atlas, Opportunity Insights looks at the strengths of relationships and communities by using data from Facebook to look at Cohesiveness, Economic Connectedness, and Civic Engagement.
- Regional Availability: County, State, National
- Type of Data Available: Query
- Indicators: Resilience, Economic, CAN Awareness
Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences: Data to Action (PACE: D2A)
From the Injury Prevention Research Center at Emory University, PACE: D2A explores data related to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), student achievement, risk and protective behaviors, and more. PACE: D2A is partnered with the Georgia Department of Public Health’s Injury Prevention Program to compile this data for the database.
- Regional Availability: County, State
- Type of Data Available: Query
- Indicators: Physical Health, Mental Health, Economic, ECE, CAN Awareness
State Child Abuse and Neglect (SCAN) Policies Database
SCAN is a partnership between the Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation, the Children’s Bureau at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Mathematica, and Child Trends. The SCAN Policies Database compiles data on definitions and policies that each state uses in their surveillance of child maltreatment as well as data on associated risk and protective factors.
- Regional Availability: State, National
- Type of Data Available: Summary
- Indicators: Physical Health, Mental Health, ECE, CAN Awareness
SAMHSA Data Collections
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration (SAMHSA) collects data through multiple sources and surveys and provides access to public-use data files and documentation to support a better understanding of mental illness and substance use disorders in America.
- Regional Availability: State, National
- Type of Data Available: Summary, Query, Raw
- Indicators: Resilience, Physical Health, Mental Health
Southeastern Rental Affordability Tracker
The Southeastern Rental Affordability Tracker displays the state of rental affordability in the Southeast using data from the American Community Survey (ACS). Communities can look into increasing their supply of affordable housing and create a better balance of housing options.
- Regional Availability: County, State
- Type of Data: Query
- Indicators: Resilience, Economic
United Way of Metro Atlanta’s Child Well-Being Index
Created in 2017, the Child Well-Being Index is a critical tool to understand disparities, communicate the interconnectedness of race and place, and to inform investments to create a more equitable region. This tool can be used to determine where interventions are needed for children and families.
- Regional Availability: County
- Type of Data Available: Summary
- Indicators: Resilience, Physical Health, Mental Health, Economic, CAN Awareness
Contact Us
Physical: | 140 Decatur Street SE 1st Floor, Suite 178 Atlanta, GA 30303 |
Mailing: | P.O. Box 3995 Atlanta, GA 30302 |